Colorado - Fall 2023

August 31 – November 18, 2023
University of Denver, Denver, Colorado
Special thanks to our sponsors: Denver University, Aetna. INDIVIOR, and Laura and Lyn Ettinger-Harwell

Devin Hart Bearden

Devin Hart Bearden

Caring, athletic, bright, witty, attractive At 6’2”, Devin was lanky, handsome, and a natural athlete. Equally at home on a skateboard, snowboard, or when surfing, he was a pleasure to watch; so fluid and graceful. He was a good soccer and baseball player and loved hiking in nature or being at the beach, especially on the annual family beach trips to Hatteras in North Carolina. [...]
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Ralph Edward Beightol

Ralph Edward Beightol

Exuberant, creative, loved-filled, sad, tragic Ralph was truly an unstoppable force. Determined, curious, and creative, he always found a way through obstacles and onto the next adventure. Diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age, he did not learn how to read until the fourth grade–but that didn’t slow him down. He developed a variety of hands-on skills outside of the classroom. A tinkerer and builder extraordinaire, he taught himself how to fix bikes and cars before eventually designing, building, and renovating his own home. He continued with school and earned a degree at Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado.[...]
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Conner Thomas Bomberg

Conner Thomas Bomberg

Loving, generous, available, fun, favorite companion Conner was a bright star. His superpower was his sensitivity to those in need, who he helped without question in any way he could. He lit up the room with electricity and had a way of connecting to people in a sensitive, kind manner, gravitating to anyone on “the fringe.” Conner gave people rides, clothing, shoes, his presence. He felt their pain deeply, which sometimes left him feeling helpless and anxious.[...]
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Phillip S. Doyle

Phillip S. Doyle

A needed person, needlessly taken Phillip was born with a heart condition, yet he didn’t let it slow him down. In fact, Phillip was such a loving, kind, caring, and giving person, it was as though his heart fully embraced these traits from the moment he was born.[...]
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Malik Isaiah Dufor

Malik Isaiah Dufor

Loved unconditionally and fearlessly Malik’s mother, Waltrina, described him as “a manifestation of the sunlight of the spirit.” His light brown eyes drew people in, his smile warmed hearts, and his hugs enveloped lovingly. He brought light, love, compassion, and empathy to anyone he met. Others felt seen and accepted for who they were after only one encounter with Malik. [...]
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Devin Andrew Germuska (aka EVI)

Devin Andrew Germuska (aka EVI)

Even if I die, you’ll feel my warmth from the sun Devin was an old soul, with a deep inner knowing. His mother, Adina, thought of him as a “starseed.” “He had a happy personality, with a sad soul,” she stated. Being in his presence left one with a profound feeling, intense, but soft. Even his conversation was poetic in nature, his laugh pure and genuine. He inspired people with his art and music and gave people hope.[...]
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Maya Brooks Griswold

Maya Brooks Griswold

Extreme, passionate, loved, goofy As a child, Maya, and her sisters Zoe and Bryn were very close. They did typical sibling things like walking to Blockbuster to rent movies, loading up on junk food at 7-11, and then staying up all night talking. Maya was great at tennis and won many championships throughout high school. She and Zoe spent many nights searching for quarters in the laundry so they could turn on the lights at the tennis courts and stay up playing and talking about life. After school, they played dance video games until they were doubled over in laughter at each other’s horrendous moves.[...]
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Mitchell Aaron Hundt

Mitchell Aaron Hundt

Artist, heart, talented, kind, soulful For Mitchell, life was meant to be lived—unapologetically, extravagantly, and joyfully. Nothing was too small to be a cause for celebration. Even a simple weeknight meal could be an event. He wouldn’t just throw together Italian food with pasta sauce from a jar; there would be music, decorations, and authentic recipes researched and cooked with care. He even made pizzas at Whole Foods for two years. Every moment of every day was meant to be lived to the fullest.[...]
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Samuel James Kennedy

Samuel James Kennedy

He was too big for this life. “Here is something that says a lot about my son,” said Sam’s mother Angie. “He never pretended to like someone he didn’t.” At first glance, it seems like a harsh statement—but Sam was anything but unkind. It was as if he had a sixth sense for reading people, though he never let his opinions of people change how he treated them. He was never rude to people he didn’t like, just quietly declined their company. Honest and unafraid to defy the norm, Sam valued people who said what they meant and were true to themselves.[...]
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Jonathon Koth

Jonathon Koth

Intelligent, magnetic, prankster, sensitive, authentic Jon had a quiet, scholarly side. Though he struggled to graduate, he earned scholarships on his ACT scores alone. He attended accounting and finance classes at college and enjoyed reading about human nature and stoic philosophy. After taking a break to focus on treatment for his addiction, he planned to continue studying and find his passion.[...]
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Brittany Michele Medlin

Brittany Michele Medlin

Beautiful, compassionate, contagious smile, loving mother, dedicated friend Brittany was a beautiful young lady who loved life. Her hair was often as bright as her smile, and although she was an old soul in some ways, she often saw the world through the eyes of a child.[...]
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Sara Elisabeth Nixon

Sara Elisabeth Nixon

Funny, smart, beautiful, and creative dreamer When Sara Nixon was a little girl, she liked to play in her mother’s fabric box. She loved to hold the pieces up and admire their color or texture. She was a creative child–crafting, drawing self-portraits, making ceramics after school, and dressing up in costumes with friends. She helped her mother with tailoring work and eventually became a talented seamstress herself.[...]
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Jacob Oreskovich

Jacob Oreskovich

Intelligent, soft-hearted, athletic, contemplative, beautiful Growing up, Jacob was imaginative, funny, and outgoing. He believed he was a superhero and had all the confidence of one, always spiking his hair up and wearing goofy hats. Jacob loved animals and would lovingly name all his pets Spike. He and his sister Niki had a strong bond throughout their lives. They loved to watch TV and funny videos and play with their dogs. Jacob moved to Northern Colorado to be closer to Niki and his brother-in-law Eric, who he loved spending time with. Jacob had a yearly tradition of wearing a joke-tie for Christmas and taking selfies with his sister before dinner.[...]
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Evan Pfosi

Evan Pfosi

“I love you more than all the leaves on all the trees in all the world.” Full of life, inquisitive, and highly intelligent, Evan was a gorgeous human being. Graduating from high school with a 4.1 GPA, “Evan could have ruled the world and flourished in whatever career path he chose,” his mother, Janeen, and brother, Brent stated.[...]
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Maximillian Miles Plumb

Maximillian Miles Plumb

Love, laughter, strength, curiosity, friend Max always had a radiant, friendly personality and developed a quick wit at a young age. What had started as a coping mechanism for his struggle with his weight became his strength—and turned him into an absolute people magnet. With his brilliant smile, kind nature, and great sense of humor, he was rarely—if ever—without friends. [...]
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JP Pritchard

JP Pritchard

Loving, empathetic, kind, prideful, smart JP was the type of person who always took care of the ones he loved and would give his last dime if he thought it would help someone else. He was compassionate and generous, always making sure his pets and loved ones were cared for. Even when he had little money, he would take his sisters to lunch to show them he loved them. Many of his friends will attest to his kind heart, recalling times JP helped them when they needed it. He loved playing guitar, both electric and acoustic, and he was skilled at playing the piano as well. [...]
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Evan Robert Ritter

Evan Robert Ritter

“Fight your battles for integrity, not ego.” Evan Ritter loved adventure. From snowboarding, canoeing, and hiking with his family in the Colorado mountains, to ziplining, snorkeling, and horseback riding on family trips to Mexico, he enjoyed being outdoors with those he loved. [...]
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Ashley Nicole Romero

Ashley Nicole Romero

She was the brightest light Ashley Romero always stood out, a beautiful girl with dark hair and dark eyes born in Germany, where she lived until she was three years old. When her mother went to pick up her baby photos she found that the studio had enlarged the adorable photo to fill its window.[...]
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Liam Simonet Schoeninger

Liam Simonet Schoeninger

Bright, loving, kind, thoughtful, brilliant Liam was a born empath, caring deeply about others since his early childhood. He had a sense for when people felt upset and always tried to help them. He was compassionate and loved to provide for others. His mother Fran said, “He had such a large and caring heart that I know whoever received his donor heart will have a long and loving life.” [...]
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Eric Seelenfreund

Eric Seelenfreund

Eric’s life ended too soon! Eric Seelenfreund was a curious child, observing everything around him, and always asking questions. He grew into a unique young man who found joy in researching and uncovering the answers. He liked to solve problems and learn new things.[...]
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Spencer Troy Sharp

Spencer Troy Sharp

Loving, joyful, adventurous, genuine, intense, fearless, gregarious As a child, Spencer was in constant motion, playing outside, entertaining himself with action figures, and bombarding everyone with questions to satisfy his innate curiosity. An only child, and only grandchild, Spencer was close to his parents, John and Jamie, his Aunt Tammy, and grandparents Nana and Papa. He enjoyed playing piano with Nana, fishing for the “ultimate catch” with Papa, and traveling with his parents.[...]
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Ian Aaron Strauss

Ian Aaron Strauss

A brilliant light shining on in our hearts Ian had an insatiable curiosity about the world. As a child, he loved being outdoors, collecting fossils, and observing bugs and reptiles. He spent many summers in Colorado with his father, exploring ancient ruins, riding horses, and going white-water rafting. He was a keen observer and could remember the tiniest details about things that interested him.[...]
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Robert VanDeventer

Robert VanDeventer

He lived life on his own terms If Rob could be described in one word, it would be nonconformist. He was independent, strong-willed, and often contrary. Rob loved all things outdoors, as well as quieter pursuits like painting, reading, and writing. Music was a mainstay in his life. He was well-read and quick-witted, with a wicked sense of humor and a gorgeous smile. [...]
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Alejandro Villegas

Alejandro Villegas

Genuine, giving, adventurous, Prodigal Son, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Alejandro was a charismatic, outgoing, and adventurous boy. His younger brother, Alberto, has fond memories of playing with Alejandro as children. They were both full of curiosity and mischief. One time in their youth they wondered what would happen if they put gasoline in a coke bottle and stuffed a rag in the top and lit it. The large flame surprised them both, and out of fear they quickly threw it away and it lit the street on fire! They ran home and were afraid they had set the whole neighborhood on fire, but it quickly went out.[...]
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Emily Ann Watson

Emily Ann Watson

Kind, giving, artistic, observant, independent From the beginning, Em marched to the beat of her own drum. On a shopping trip for shorts when she was three, she loudly protested in the girls’ dressing room, “I don’t like them. They make me look like a girl!” She played baseball with boys until they moved up to kid pitch, adamant that girls softball just wasn’t the same. [...]
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