Become an INTO LIGHT PROJECT Ambassador

Help bring a Drug Addiction: Real People, Real Stories Exhibition to your state!

Why become an Ambassador?

INTO LIGHT Project Ambassadors are part of a national network of volunteer representatives from each state in the U.S. who are interested in helping us to change the conversation about drug addiction and reduce stigma by bringing an INTO LIGHT Project Exhibit to their state.

  • Anyone with an interest in promoting the work of INTO LIGHT Project and who has a passion for educating the public about substance use disorder and reducing the stigma that families and the individual with SUD experiences.

  • What role do Ambassadors play in promoting INTO LIGHT Project?

    INTO LIGHT Project gets many requests from people across the U.S. to bring an exhibit to their state. It is necessary to enlist the help of people on the ground in each state to help us promote the project and suggest viable locations in which to hold the exhibit and brainstorm where we might find funds to cover the cost of the exhibition. We also depend on Ambassadors to help with recruitment of submissions and promote the exhibition. Be assured that we are here to provide the resources, advice, direction and support that you need. We are available to speak with you on the phone, meet with you and your team on Zoom and help with every aspect of your Ambassadorship. We hope you find your work with INTO LIGHT Project important and personally meaningful. To fulfill our goal of reaching all 50 states with an INTO LIGHT Project exhibit, it will take all of us, in all states, working together to get it done!

Continuing the Conversation

Bring an Exhibit to Your State