Delaware - Spring 2023

June 1 – December 3, 2023
Delaware Museum of Art, Wilmington, Delaware
Special thanks to our sponsors: Delaware Art Museum, Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH), and Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware

Devin Hart Bearden

Devin Hart Bearden

Caring, athletic, bright, witty, attractive At 6’2”, Devin was lanky, handsome, and a natural athlete. Equally at home on a skateboard, snowboard, or when surfing, he was a pleasure to watch; so fluid and graceful. He was a good soccer and baseball player and loved hiking in nature or being at the beach, especially on the annual family beach trips to Hatteras in North Carolina. [...]
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Erin Allen

Erin Allen

Her life was way too short Erin was beautiful, smart, and talented. She was a poet and writer and loved singing and dancing. Erin enjoyed nature and animals and could be found outdoors most of the time. She had a photographic memory, loved to read, and knew a little about everything. [...]
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Trevor Lawrence Armstrong

Trevor Lawrence Armstrong

Wanted to please everyone Growing up, Trevor was adventurous and loved doing things outdoors. He spent most of his time riding bikes, skateboarding, running, and playing lacrosse, amongst other things. When he wasn’t outside, he was hanging with his friends or watching wrestling. He bonded with his younger brother Evan over cartoons, video games, and wrestling. His parents frequently took the boys out to WWE matches, which they adored. Their family took many trips together, making memories in beautiful places like the Florida Keys, Coastal Maine, Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, Mexico, LA, Las Vegas, and Disney World. [...]
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Rachel Leigh (Gentsch) Baynard

Rachel Leigh (Gentsch) Baynard

Loving, kind, empathetic, nature-lover Rachel was a generous, funny, free spirit with a contagious laugh. She was loving and kind with empathy for others, which matched her chosen career as a critical care nurse. She loved her profession and regularly spent time studying to increase her knowledge base. Rachel didn’t limit her care for people to her professional life. She reached out to people on the street or those she heard about from friends and did what she could to help. [...]
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Steven A. Boothe

Steven A. Boothe

Kindness to everyone, empathy for all, “Be the change you wish others to be.”. (Steven’s motto) Steven exuded kindness. It was part of his core to make people feel genuinely cherished, loved, and welcomed, especially if they were different in any way. Many friends said that they felt like they didn’t belong at college for one reason or another and Steven would seek them out and help them feel good about themselves. Many other friends said that they could always come to Steven with a personal problem and Steven would just listen and help them feel valued. [...]
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Mark Browne

Mark Browne

Kind, loving, compassionate, beautiful, friend Mark was at his best when he was in “concert mode”. Van Halen, Kid Rock, Kiss, Foreigner, Alice Cooper, REO Speedwagon, The Who – the list goes on but if it was Rock n’ Roll, Mark probably loved it. He was a fun guy with a free spirit, a kind heart, and a love for the simple things in life. [...]
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Michael Joseph Burgess Jr.

Michael Joseph Burgess Jr.

Energetic, adventurous, curious, kind-hearted Michael was “100% boy” according to his mother, Christine. From the time he could walk Michael was an energetic, rambunctious little ball of fire. He was curious, determined and had a mind of his own. He lived life on his own terms. Michael spent time with his younger brothers, Garry, Cole and Jacob, dirt bike riding, hunting and fishing. “Nature was therapeutic to Michael. In fact, his headstone reads; Huntin’, Fishin’ and Luvin’ Every Day, from a Luke Bryan song that describes Michael to a T. When Michael was younger, he and his dad, Michael Sr., loved fishing together, but hunting was a challenge, as Michael loved to be in constant motion. His mom suspects he had undiagnosed ADHD. [...]
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Donnie Caulk

Donnie Caulk

A child of God who went home too soon. A loving person who would drop anything to help someone was how his sister, Linda, described Donnie. “He had a way about him that everyone who met him noticed,” she said. “He was also funny and enjoyed hanging out with family and friends.”[...]
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Paige Clemm

Paige Clemm

Loving, talented, genuine, beautiful, miraculous. Paige was always a shy person, but the one place she had no reserves was in sports. Paige began roller skating about four and by the age of eight, she was a prolific skater who won several awards. Her mother, Andrea, recalls a time in 2001 when she promised Paige that if she placed at the national skate championship, she would rent a limo for Paige and her friend. “That year, Paige won a bronze medal and got her limo ride. She and her friend had their arms out the window celebrating the entire way home,” Andrea recalls laughing. By 4th grade, she began playing basketball and volleyball, which she also excelled at and continued playing well into high school. [...]
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AdeleMaye Close (aka DD)

AdeleMaye Close (aka DD)

“The sparkle in my eyes.” AdeleMaye loved her family, especially her older brother Justin and his wife Celeste, who were like second parents to her throughout her life. Every year, her family took a trip to California to visit her cousins. She was the youngest of 13 and loved spending time with them. Like many girls, AdeleMaye loved animals and playing with her friends and her Barbies. She was a kind and generous girl who took care of others and rooted for the underdog. She comforted the kids in her school who got bullied, even though she was also bullied. [...]
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Brendan M. Cobb

Brendan M. Cobb

Loving, loyal, funny, adventurous, sensitive Good-humored and athletic, Brendan was a big-hearted man, with a high degree of emotional intelligence and empathy. He was more sensitive than he appeared. His steadfast friendships were appreciated by many, including two high school friends, both in recovery, who served as groomsmen in Brendan’s wedding. [...]
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Elias Connor

Elias Connor

Beautiful, misunderstood, courageous, unique, significant Described by his Aunt Shawna as caring, kind, and empathetic to others, Elias was passionate about the environment and preserving nature. He hated trees being cut down to make way for more buildings to be built. Elias got the nickname “turtle” because he always “stopped to smell the roses.” Even when his mom was in a rush to get going, Elias kept his “turtle pace” stopping at every tree, plant, and flower to enjoy their beauty. He loved animals and fed stray cats, taking in as many as his mother allowed and a few she didn’t! [...]
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Andy Donovan

Andy Donovan

Intelligent, Passionate, Funny, Curious, Athletic, Musical Andy navigated the world with a keen mind and a wonderful spirit. Always hungry for knowledge, he would pursue his favorite topics with unrivaled passion. He was athletic, a talented musician, and a voracious reader who loved to travel. Most of all, though, he was a loving son and brother.[...]
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Eric Adam Gillespie

Eric Adam Gillespie

Empathic, intuitive, an old soul, compassionate, intelligent Eric was an empathic soul; so caring and sensitive. Although introspective, he was a great conversationalist when drawn out from his inner turmoil. He had a discerning character, picking friends who were kind to others and who shared his philosophy on life. He was loyal to those friends and was protective of his mom. His interests varied from astronomy and history to collecting comics, vinyl, and action figures. He loved video games and watching informative podcasts. [...]
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Nicholas Joseph Golden

Nicholas Joseph Golden

Caring, passionate, kind, intelligent, with an amazing sense of humor When friends and family talk about Nick, they speak of him with great fondness and bright smiles. He actively cared about everyone he met. Although he was only 23 when he died, he left an ongoing legacy with his extraordinary and genuine kindness, infectious humor, and loving heart. [...]
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Jeffrey Allen Heilman

Jeffrey Allen Heilman

Funny, smart, empathetic, outgoing, musically gifted Everyone knew the moment Jeffrey entered a room: if it wasn’t his smile that caught your attention, it would be the way he boldly announced HELLO! Jeffrey was a cherished son, a beloved brother, and a friend to all. [...]
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John W. Hinckle III

John W. Hinckle III

A great father and grandfather When John was little people remarked that he looked like Spanky on the Little Rascals. As he got older, he “retained his baby face, which the ladies loved,” according to his former wife, Diane. Loved and adored by his siblings Debbie (now deceased), Mark and Dawn, John loved to tease them. The two brothers worked together in Mark’s business for a time. John was primarily a concrete finisher, though he could do anything. [...]
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Sean Hudson

Sean Hudson

Brilliant, warm, loving, gregarious, multi-talented Sean was many things–but shy was not one of them. He had an infectious smile and a welcoming demeanor; a love for doing and a special talent for picking up new skills. Pragmatic, witty, and warm-hearted, he could find a solution to every problem and a friend in every stranger. [...]
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Luke Jester

Luke Jester

Intelligent, Witty, Funny, Talented, Kind Sports, music, or politics-Luke could talk effortlessly on many subjects. Having debates energized him-not to prove himself more intelligent, but for the sheer enjoyment of a good conversation. At first glance, he seemed shy or reserved, but once he warmed up his wit and enthusiasm shone through.[...]
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Jason David Kaczynski

Jason David Kaczynski

Loving, charismatic, hard-working, optimistic, God-fearing Jason was a devout believer in God and always strived to live by His word. He would help anyone in need and consistently stood in the face of injustice. He was loyal to his loved ones and always tried to make other people happy. He was a down-to-earth guy with a great sense of humor who always spoke his mind. Jay grew up with a sister, Fawn, and his brother, Anthony. He had another brother, David, who wasn’t around much in childhood, but that he reconnected with later in life, as well as a sister Nicole he also met later in life. He adored his niece Bella and Nephew Anthony and always looked forward to playing with them at family gatherings. [...]
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Tyler Armstrong Keister

Tyler Armstrong Keister

Kind, loving, sensitive, quick-witted, hysterical Tyler was a kindhearted, witty person who loved making people laugh. His father says that he misses the way Tyler would giggle when he was about to say something that would make people laugh. Tyler stood up for people being bullied. He was also very athletic and spent a lot of time playing disc golf, snowboarding, biking, and walking through state parks with his sister. In high school, Tyler played football and was extremely proud to be on a team that went from hardly winning games to being state champions in his senior year. [...]
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Matthew D. Klosowski

Matthew D. Klosowski

Compassionate, witty, adventurous, friendly, skillful Matt was a dreamer, a fixer, a dog whisperer, a friend. With a smile that lit up the room, he made friends as easily as he breathed and earned their love with his quick wit, his compassion, and his caring nature.[...]
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Dylan T. Lewandowski

Dylan T. Lewandowski

Charismatic, loving, beautiful, funny, son Dylan was able to connect with almost everyone, no matter their walk of life. He could project the charisma of a handsome engaging yet possibly mysterious man, a strong worker with an athletic build, and an endearing pixie full of mischief, laughter, and fun. When Dylan felt safe to be genuine, his smile lit up a room. Dylan was just beginning the prime of his life and had so much potential.[...]
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Matthew Hammond Mah

Matthew Hammond Mah

Kind, funny, smart, talented, magnetic personality Matthew’s genuine smile and endearing dimples easily radiated his engaging personality, and innate ability to connect with others. Matthew was a mentor, a student, a brother, a Scout, an athlete, a musician, a coder, a geek, a hippie. But most of all he was a giant beating heart. He was an open soul who accepted everyone without pretense from all walks of life, regardless of background. He put others before himself and always took the time to help. Time and time again, Matthew’s friends talk about his ability to connect to people in a caring, heartfelt way. One friend wrote, “He cared nothing about who you were or what your background or interests were. He simply desired a genuine connection with you as a fellow traveler through this life.”[...]
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Michael Mattson

Michael Mattson

Loving, funny, athletic, smart, compassionate Michael was known for many things: his wicked left-handed pitch, his good humor, his generous use of swear words, and his whole-hearted laugh. He might’ve seemed shy at first, but he’d always be the first person to come up to a friend and say, hi! How are you doing? [...]
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Steven F. Mcavaney

Steven F. Mcavaney

Fun, happy, athletic, protective, adventurous “Ladies’ man” is what many jokingly called Steveo as he was growing up. He easily made friends, and always went out of his way for the people he cared about. Steveo was loved by anybody and everybody because he just lit up a room when he walked in it. His personality flowed with humor, caring, an adventurous spirit, and happiness. [...]
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Americo (Eric) Michael Meredith

Americo (Eric) Michael Meredith

His life mattered Physically, Eric was a big guy with a booming voice who could lift the heaviest of weights. He was also gentle, loving and kind; a “Big Teddy Bear” who instantly melted around babies, puppies and kittens. A good listener, Eric made friends easily, was in tune with people’s needs and had a kind word for everyone, unless it was hard facts they needed to hear, which he could also deliver lovingly.[...]
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Christopher A. Mullikin

Christopher A. Mullikin

Adventurous, strong, funny, protective, stubborn Chris was an adventurous kid with a thirst for adrenaline. He was headstrong and confident, the type of kid who could always be found outside. He loved swimming and riding four-wheelers and his bike. Every year he looked forward to his family’s trip to six flags and was extremely into the rollercoasters. He was a loving and outgoing person, and he adored his two younger sisters, Amanda and Kayla, and was very protective of them. He also spent a lot of time with his Grandma Jean, who he called Mum-mum. [...]
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Walter “Walt” Phipps

Walter “Walt” Phipps

Beautiful soul, loving fiancé, father, son, brother and friend Walt was a kind, selfless person with a huge heart. Anyone who knew Walt, or even crossed paths with him, said the same thing. He was a great person, with a huge smile regardless of his mood. He was generous and helped anyone. [...]
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Jeremy Edward Pierce

Jeremy Edward Pierce

“I did it my way,” -Frank Sinatra Jeremy was a person who had a passion for life and a thirst for knowledge and new experiences. In school, he played t-ball, soccer, football, basketball, ran track and cross-country, and was on the community swim team. He was an adventurous child and loved skateboarding and playing outside. Outside of sports, he took piano and guitar lessons. The guitar stuck with him throughout his life. He was extremely intelligent and relished talking about subjects like culture, philosophy, and music. [...]
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Brian Wesley Powell

Brian Wesley Powell

Creative, intelligent, musical, hardworking, friendly Independent, creative, and a perfectionist, Brian didn’t believe in half-measures. When he played music, he didn’t stop at one instrument; he played them all–guitar, saxophone, drums, and even mandolin. When he built things, they lasted. When he loved, he loved with his whole heart. [...]
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Stephanie Dawn Rann

Stephanie Dawn Rann

Charismatic, compassionate, caring, infectious laugh, beautiful smile, loving mother. Stephanie came into this world loud and feisty. Stephanie’s energy, courage, and fearless ambition developed into beautiful and impactful qualities. She possessed a keen wit, a great sense of humor, and compassion for all; especially pets, babies, and family. It was with this lust for life that she built a strong group of friends and a life filled with love and adventure. [...]
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Jessica Small

Jessica Small

Thoughtful, kind, generous, excited, artistic “What is my purpose in life?” This was a question Jess asked herself often. Though she might not have found the answer herself, everyone who met her knew. Jess was joy, kindness, and love in human form. A singer, a crafter, a laugher, and a deep thinker, she touched more lives than she knew and changed them for the better. [...]
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Samantha Jane Smith

Samantha Jane Smith

Loving, strong-willed, confident, impulsive, a prankster If you had only a single word to describe Samantha, it would be passionate. She was a young woman of many hobbies and much love. Baking pineapple upside-down cakes, reading, indulging in her favorite reality TV shows, camping, and going on adventures–if Samantha loved something, she devoted herself to it. This was best seen in her passion for dance and performance. Her mother Teressa shared, “Samantha put her heart and soul into dancing. Her presence on stage was captivating. She was glamorous and gorgeous! She danced with great energy and passion.”[...]
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Sarena Jessica Spence

Sarena Jessica Spence

Creative, free-spirit, strong, loyal, loving, tough, compassionate To say Sarena was one of a kind would be a vast understatement. She consumed life wholeheartedly and with vigor. She was loud, gregarious, and fun. Sarena had to be seen and heard; she made sure of it. People were drawn to her alluring personality, and she was constantly surrounded by friends. You never knew what excitement she might bring with her, which made her interesting and lovable. She was funny and stubborn and “impossible to say no to,” her mom, Jesse, stated. She and her brother Chad were polar opposites. “He is as chill and relaxed as she was headstrong,” Jesse said. They loved being silly together. [...]
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Christopher Stollings

Christopher Stollings

Determined, Kind, Funny, Unique, Loving  Christopher liked to keep busy. Whether playing hockey, video games, hanging with buddies, or going to a concert or sporting event, he was usually on the move. Christopher was a kind and thoughtful soul who cared deeply for those around him. His determined spirit and unwillingness to stray from his values made Christopher quite a remarkable person.[...]
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Vincente Jon Tambourelli

Vincente Jon Tambourelli

Kind, loving, silly, long-winded storyteller, family-oriented Vincent was a loving, caring son, brother, friend, uncle and was always inclusive of the “odd man out” kid. He was an insightful, thoughtful child who loved having friends and also being a good friend. He had the ability to diffuse a situation, mainly because he could see all sides, and before you knew it, he would talk you into giving that person a second chance. [...]
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Joshua Upole

Joshua Upole

Connected to nature and the universe, spiritual, charismatic, funny, and loving. Josh made the people around him feel comfortable, safe, and protected. He was a big guy with an even bigger personality. When he walked into a room it was impossible to ignore his presence, almost as though he had his own gravitational pull – people were just drawn to him. [...]
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John Waters

John Gerard Waters

Shy, funny, kind, witty, empathetic Battling anxiety and depression for most of his life, John often struggled to see his self-worth. To anyone who met him, however, there was no question: hardworking, good-humored, and always ready to help, John was the genuine article. His classic “All-American Kid” good looks drew the attention of admirers, but it was his radiant personality that kept them. [...]
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Sean Walker

Sean Walker

Loving, kind-hearted, sensitive, giving, thoughtful. Since childhood, Sean was the type of person who always went above and beyond to help others. His capacity for kindness knew no bounds. He had a beautiful smile and a contagious laugh. Sean always wanted to help others and would often shoulder his own burdens, so as not to put them on anyone else. One example of his kindness is a story his mother, Rebecca, remembers fondly. “When he was eight years old, a girl in his class lost her mother and was getting bullied by the other kids so he lied and told her his parents had died too so they would leave her alone,” she recalled.[...]
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Carl Alexander Webb

Carl Alexander Webb

A loving, kind, and gentle person Carl was energetic, fun-loving and affectionate. He was also strong-willed and a hard worker. Not an easy child, he often did what he wanted, but he was also a gentleman, opening doors for women and never letting his mom pump gas. At his best, he liked to dote on people and was known at his Narcotics Anonymous meetings for making and serving the coffee to others. [...]
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