Jonathan M. Stiger

Jonathan M. Stiger 

Creative, caring, thoughtful person

A half-German, half-Osage and Kaw Tribe Native American from Oklahoma, Jon was thoughtful, caring and generous with a great sense of humor. His bright smile, long, luxurious Indian hair, and sweet persona reflected his laid-back attitude. He had a light about him. “A charming personality, he could turn a bad day into laughter,” his mom, Charla, recounted. Jon lived life to the fullest, expressing himself through art, journaling, and helping others. He valued people. His selfless and generous spirit enabled him to discover opportunity everywhere, whether it was washing the dishes, babysitting for friends, playing with his dog, or providing for the unhoused.

Jon preferred a simple life. Content with what he had, he made life better for others, encouraging them when needed. Jon was born with a whimsical-eccentric ability to see the funny side of things and humorously express it. He enjoyed skateboarding, soccer and driving around for hours with family and friends, listening to any genre of music.

After graduating from high school, he performed skateboarding stunts for the film industry and traveled to New York for the premiere of a movie he was in. Recognized by friends as a True Tulsa Legend, he was known for his many shades of sunglasses.

A year before his death, he worked making and installing neon signs for local businesses at Encino Sign Company, where he was like family. He had a future with them. Many of his signs still exist today, such as Safari Joe’s Waterpark, Route 44 neon signs and others.

Jon was sensitive and easy to talk with. He created custom playlists for family with songs that contained the special things he remembered about them. He was close to his two sisters, Christy, and Misty, and his nieces, Lilly, and Cocoa, who he loved teasing and laughing with. His sister Christy said: “You are truly missed, Bubba!” He was also favored by Clyde and Tessa, children of his friends. Always thinking of others, he built a porch onto his parent’s home for easier access for his dad, who had a motorcycle accident. “There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t think about something he said or did that brings a smile to our faces,” Charla said.

Jon’s journey with addiction was difficult. His mom took him food, and she panicked if he didn’t answer the phone. One night, Jon overdosed and she couldn’t lift him into her car to take him to the hospital. They were in front of Jon’s house in the middle of the road in the dark. A man appeared out of nowhere and helped her. She never found the angel to thank him for helping get her son to the hospital in time.

In Jon’s last months, he became isolated. He felt he wasn’t going to make it. “It broke my heart to hear my son say such a thing,” Charla said. Jon had just been out of treatment for a week when he passed away.

“Education is needed,” Charla said, “to let others know what to do in an emergency.” One pill can change everything for the person with a substance use disorder and for their loved ones. “It is important to let them know they are not alone,” Charla stated. ‘I miss Jon more than anything.’

Jonathan’s mother, Charla Stiger, provided the information for this narrative. May 11, 1986-April 19, 2023-Age-36
Portrait Artist: Shawn Faust
Narrative Writer: Barbara Francois

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