Jenna Lyn McDermott

Jenna Lyn McDermott

Unique, bubbly, outgoing and animated

Jenna was a beautiful soul not one seen every day, one that genuinely loved with all she had and made everyone feel as important as she knew they were. With funny faces and endless light on display, she would help others, giving away anything she had before ever considering herself. Though born an only child, her mother Christine married her stepfather Paul, and she was soon surrounded by stepbrothers Derek and Danny. She also had half-siblings, including her sister Rachel, an “honorary sister,” Amy, and she formed close bonds with her cousins. Jenna was the light and the love of her mother’s life. She met her best friend Denali in fourth grade. She loved her partner Cameron, despite years of ups and downs, and he made her a mother to her baby girl named Kaia in 2020. Kaia, with delightful squeals and her mother’s doe eyes and huge smile, was Jenna’s greatest accomplishment. 

Described as “effortlessly perfect,” Jenna was a flawless cheerleader with a quick mind, appreciation for family holiday traditions, and charisma to spare. Channeling all her senses to make life multi-dimensional, Jenna experienced the world on a different level. Music of all kinds and SpongeBob quotes filled the air. Experimenting with hairstyling, makeup, and photography flexed her visual art skills. Picking up and smelling anything that piqued her curiosity, then potentially tasting it, demonstrated her willingness to explore life without pause. With tacos or sushi on the menu and belly laughs all around, time with Jenna was fun of an exceptional kind. Her mom will never forget her curious ideas, like when she was five, and very seriously said, “I’m not smart. I don’t know why moose have antlers or why hands look like turkeys.”

Travel with her parents at a young age, especially to southwestern states, helped Jenna develop a life goal. To help others in a way she felt strongly about, Jenna sought a medical marijuana certificate and hoped to open a dispensary in Colorado. More travel and cruises were on her bucket list, and no adventure was too large to consider. But as substance use disorder took control, those dreams grayed. Physical symptoms and worrisome behaviors became clear as the vivacious, beautiful woman succumbed to addiction. 

Since Jenna’s life ended due to substance use disorder, her friends work hard to maintain their sobriety. Rachel does as well and is committed to breaking down the barriers others encounter on their way to substance-free lives. She plans to open a treatment center with same-day services, and to educate on harm reduction and the importance of overdose reversal drugs. 

Kaia, Jenna’s “peanut butter baby,” is her mother’s living legacy, and is proof that beautiful things can come from the depths of despair. 

Jenna’s sister, Rachel Manna, provided the information for this narrative.
September 23, 1994-July 11, 2022-Age 27

Portrait Artist: Cecil Norris
Narrative Writer: Jill Denton 

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