Alabama - Summer 2024

August 29, 2024 – June 27, 2025
Student Center & Anthropology Museum, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

Devin Hart Bearden

Devin Hart Bearden

Caring, athletic, bright, witty, attractive At 6’2”, Devin was lanky, handsome, and a natural athlete. Equally at home on a skateboard, snowboard, or when surfing, he was a pleasure to watch; so fluid and graceful. He was a good soccer and baseball player and loved hiking in nature or being at the beach, especially on the annual family beach trips to Hatteras in North Carolina. [...]
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Colton Taylor Barnett

Colton Taylor Barnett

Adventurous, kind, the light of my life! Lighthearted and funny, Colton was caring and considerate to everyone he knew or met. He was always positive, no matter the situation. He enjoyed sports and, though skateboarding was his favorite, he also played football, baseball, and frisbee golf. [...]
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Aaron Linton Brawley

Aaron Linton Brawley

He blessed my life beyond imagination. From an early age, Aaron was sensitive to others’ feelings, and was constantly concerned about those less fortunate, the environment, and the world around him. This may have been because of his role as proud eldest brother to his siblings, Patrick, and Maggie. When his parents broke the news to them about their divorce, Aaron—only ten then—did not cry. Rather, he listened carefully and asked practical questions. [...]
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Patrick Neil Brawley

Patrick Neil Brawley

A life well lived, despite the struggles. Patrick was driven with a curiosity about the world around him. From a young age, this manifested itself in mischievous experiments and creative solutions to his problems. When he was two years old, dissatisfied with his dirty room, he dragged the garden hose into the house to clean it himself. A few years later, infatuated with the idea of fire, he set some toys in his closet on fire because he wanted to know how they would burn. This then extended to a neighbor’s decorative grass, as well as his little sister Maggie’s hair. [...]
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Weston Brown

Weston Brown

Charismatic, loving, caring, dedicated, determined. Weston was kind and funny with an engaging smile. He would put himself on the line for others, even at his own cost. He loved hunting, music, being with family and his fiancé, and Alabama football! [...]
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Walter Chad Browning

Walter Chad Browning

Forgiving, loving, sharing, devoted, charismatic Walter C. Browning, or Chad, was a deeply religious man who firmly believed in the power of prayer. His mother, Terri, describes him as “A larger-than-life soul. He brought love, laughter, and life into any room he entered.” [...]
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Jeremiah (Jeremy) Clark

Jeremiah (Jeremy) Clark

Loving, compassionate, funny, loyal, dedicated If you knew Jeremy, you loved him. He cared about people, had a great sense of humor, was kind and compassionate and great with children. Jeremy loved God, attending church with his family, and was passionate about hunting and fishing. “He had the biggest heart,” His mother, Jennifer, stated. [...]
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Noah M. Collins

Noah M. Collins

Kindhearted, genuine, hard-working, diligent “My dad was the most kindhearted person I know, his daughter, Emma, stated.” She recalls how good it felt to have a dad who added light and energy to any room he walked into. “His smile and laugh were contagious,” she said. [...]
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Aaron Brooks Connell

Aaron Brooks Connell

Lover of family and exploration Whether it was the fresh-water creeks of Alabama, or the beaches of the Gulf Coast, Aaron loved the water. An explorer at heart, he loved everything from going to the beach with his Uncle Tater and his girlfriend, to exploring old buildings in Sevierville, Tennessee. On several occasions he even built up the courage to try new experiences with family members. Once he participated in an indoor skydiving experience with his brother, Brandon, even though the massive fan that propelled them into the air scared him. He also rode fair rides with his daughter, AnnaMarie, despite feeling silly on the small kiddie rides. She will never forget those precious memories made with her father.[...]
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Curtis J Cook

Curtis J Cook

Outdoor person, loving, caring, down to earth, heart of gold. Even as a child, Curt was loving, caring, funny and smart. A straight “A” student through grade and middle school, he was also a good football player. Though he liked the sport, he decided not to play anymore because he couldn’t accept the way the coaches talked to the players. [...]
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Brehanna C. Cotney

Brehanna C. Cotney

Beautiful, loving, ambitious, compassionate, adventurous Brehanna Cotney, or Bre, was born on her mother’s birthday (“The best birthday present ever,” her mother said.) She was the oldest child in a large family that includes mother Elizabeth Walker, stepfather Nathan Walker and her four siblings Austin and Noah Cotney and Terry and Michael Kelly. Bre also had her father and stepmother, BJ and Mandy Campbell and their children Elijah, Sissy, and Hope. She was close to her grandparents, Brad and Debbie Campbell, and her uncle Chris Cotney. Bre was also a mother to two boys – Aiden Melendez and Kandon Turner.[...]
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Melanie A. Dickey

Melanie A. Dickey

Strong, caring, giving, open-minded, gorgeous Non-judgmental and caring, with a great spirit, Melanie saw the glass not just half full, but all the way full, all the time. Melon, as she was known to her best friend, Ashley, “was my one true best friend, the kind that only comes around once in your entire life. Once they are gone, it’s like the part of you that was most alive is now dead with them.”[...]
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Joshua Daniel Ezell

Joshua Daniel Ezell

Charming, intelligent, funny, honest, loving At 6’1 and 165lbs, Josh stood as tall as an oak and his personality was just as unwavering. Always present and ready to help his friends, he expected only a smile in return. An all “A” student, Josh’s Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) helped him to do a deep dive into anything in which he had an interest. “He could do math in his head and tell you everything about many bands, (Pink Floyd was his favorite,) including details about the story behind the song and when it was written,” his mom, Angie, shared. [...]
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Lacurtis “Maine” Garner

Lacurtis “Maine” Garner

A funny, loving, caring person. Lacurtis A. Garner, or Maine, loved to make people laugh. He would tell fascinating tales, never letting anyone know if they were real or completely made up. The stories brought great humor and joy to his listeners. His sister Annesha recalls that “No one had a sad face around him. He would perk you up.” She also describes him as “a warrior.” [...]
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Chareles Hawkins

Charles Hawkins

I “Forever my baby you’ll be.” “I need him to be remembered for how he lived, not how he died,” Aaron’s mom, Cristy said. Aaron was funny and loving. Like many autistic individuals, he was brilliant in various areas, such as music and history. “Autism really affects social abilities,” Cristy said. “He was just getting used to being around people.”[...]
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Richard Willis Holmes

Richard Willis Holmes

Intelligent, humorous, sentimental, champion of the underdog, fierce love for family and friends “Will was one of the smartest humans I have known,” his mother, Georgia, stated. He was a dream child and well-liked by his teachers in the gifted programs he was in throughout his schooling. He skipped his senior year of high school and entered the honors program at Auburn University on scholarship. Will graduated from the University of Alabama Law School, passed the bar and become qualified to present cases to the Alabama State Supreme Court. He worked as a law clerk for the Alabama Court of Civic Appeals and for law firms before going into private practice. Will’s focus and passion was on helping marginalized people with their legal needs. During his time in his last recovery program, he established, through the state Bar, a law practice called Progress Law, which employed recovering attorneys. [...]
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William Tift Humber (Billy)

William Tift Humber (Billy)

“His brightness shines for eternity” Loving, tender, creative, funny. Billy saw the world differently than most. He was passionate about things he cared about and showed empathy and compassion for people who struggled. Childhood memories are filled with his love and laughter. An affectionate child, he loved to snuggle and be with his family. He was the entertainer of the family, crafting funny stories like no one else.[...]
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Kelly T. Irizarry

Kelly T. Irizarry

Adventurous, charming, adaptable, genuine, comical Jasmine remembers her big brother Kelly with deep fondness. He was kind-hearted, charismatic, and comical. When he wasn’t teasing her as big brothers do, he was a deeply caring brother who listened, shared, and had an omniscience about him that was rare for someone his age. Jasmine misses his advice most of all. He knew exactly what to say whenever she needed to hear it. One day when she was driving Kelly to an errand, the subject of being gay came up, and he said, "I don't care who you love. As long as that person can put a smile on your face and make you want to love life, in my book, you’ve won!" It took 20 years for Jasmine to come “out” but hearing that beforehand heartwarming. She came out in 2023, so she was never able to come out to Kelly, but those words will stay with her forever.[...]
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Daniel E. Jones

Daniel E. Jones

Light to many other people! Described by his mother, Pam, as tall and handsome, with an athletic build, Dan enjoyed an active lifestyle. He loved skiing, swimming, going to the beach, riding his Harley, kayaking, and working on old vehicles. [...]
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Mark Lambert

Mark Lambert

Loving, playful, creative, smart, adventurous Mark Lambert dreamed of building a home for his family on a big plot of land with horses and dogs. He dreamed of buying a car for his daughter Bayleigh and waving goodbye as she moved away for college. These were the aspirations of a man who was utterly dedicated to his family – a family he deemed his greatest achievement. For Mark, acts of kindness and sacrifice for his wife and daughter punctuated his daily life. [...]
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Ruth LaJoya Lewis

Ruth LaJoya Lewis

Truth, love, joy, funny, unforgettable Ruby Bee was the life of the party: daring, fearless, strong, and vibrant. At the same time, she was caring, loving, and sensitive. She loved to sing, dance, and entertain people. From as young as four, Ruby Bee sang in the church choir, even leading the songs. She stirred up the entire congregation; everyone would be out of their seats and up on their feet! [...]
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Michael Todd McCarver

Michael Todd McCarver Jr.

Outgoing, friendly, always smiling, generous, loving Known as T.J., Michael Todd McCarver Jr. was a larger-than-life personality. Friendly, gregarious, and constantly smiling, he was the first son, grandson, nephew, and cousin in the family and was adored by everyone. T.J.’s sister, Taylin McCarver, remembers him as “larger than life, a huge goofball, and a great friend. He had a big, very contagious smile that radiated through everyone around him.” T.J. came from a tight-knit family and was close to Taylin, and his parents, Todd, and Tami. [...]
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Hannah Rose McDaniel

Hannah Rose McDaniel

Beautiful, smart, caring, funny, creative When you describe a person as beautiful, funny, smart, and kind-hearted, it makes you want to know them. Add clumsy, quirky, creative, and spontaneous, and it makes you smile and know they are genuine. That was Hannah, a natural social butterfly; a person people liked to be around for numerous reasons. [...]
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Zakery Kaleb McDaniel

Zakery Kaleb McDaniel

Warm, loving, unselfish, too short! Zak was an all-around good guy, the type who would give you his last bite of food, or his last dollar if he thought it would help you. “He was 32 years of fun-loving happiness,” his grandmother, Terry, stated. [...]
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Nathan H. Money

Nathan H. Money

Full life, exciting, adventurous, meaningful, short Nate was magnetic. His eyes and smile drew you in and his tender heart kept you in his orbit. He was well known for his kindness, manners, and loveable attitude. He was there to listen to others’ problems, offering support and encouragement. [...]
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Shelbey Montana Moseley

Shelbey Montana Moseley

Selfless, hilarious, loving, beautiful, artistic Shelbey was physically beautiful and intelligent, with a multitude of creative talents. More importantly, she was kind and selfless. She was always there for people in need, especially those struggling with substance use disorder, because she didn’t want anyone to suffer like she did. [...]
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John “Harrison” Myles

John “Harrison” Myles

Creative, musician, loved life The oldest of three boys, Harrison always watched out for his younger brothers, Patrick, and Ryan. While growing up, the three were best friends, often riding motor bikes in the country on weekends. A memorable vacation together was a white-water rafting trip down the Salmon River in Idaho. On Christmas Eve, when the boys were little, they all slept together in one bed. A fan of traditions, Harrison tried to keep the sleep over going as they grew into teenagers; “That was funny because they were all too big to fit,” Harrison’s mother, Lori said.[...]
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John Perry

John Perry

The “Gentle Giant” loved all John Perry was a presence you couldn’t miss, not just because he towered at 6’5”, but owing to his infinite charm that filled any room he entered. His life, though tragically short, was marked by an infectious laughter, a love for storytelling, and a passion that made him deeply cherished by all who knew him, especially animals.[...]
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Landon Newby

Landon Newby

Beautiful boy, his light remains Talented, smart, and loving, Landon had a great deal of empathy. He was social and affectionate, with a great sense of humor. He had a deep love for the meaning of music and made rap songs with friends. Landon’s interests included golf, baseball, football - both Alabama and pro football. He shared his extreme knowledge of rules and stats with others who had a mutual interest. At one point, he entertained the idea of being a sports broadcaster. [...]
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Thomas C. Roper

Thomas C. Roper

Loving, witty, smart, animal lover, mama’s boy. Cade was so much more than his addiction, He was smart, quick-witted and sarcastically funny. He had the ability to build a computer from the ground up, loved his mother, Rose, and literally handed his shoes to a neighbor after his house burned. It was his nature to help those who needed it. [...]
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Lesley D. Sisler

Butch Sisler

Funny, witty, charming, charismatic, full of love Everyone knew Butch for his sense of humor. He was a tall, larger man, with a big personality. He loved muscle cars, classic rock, and spending time with his family. An only child, Butch was close with his mother, Statia, and his Uncle Allen, the namesake of his son. He served five years in the Navy as an aviation mechanic and diver. Butch met his wife, Lesley, in Virginia. They had their children, Allen, and Lauren, and settled into a normal life. [...]
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Lesley D. Sisler

Lesley D. Sisler

Loving, joyful, kind-hearted, free-spirited, put together Lesley grew up with her sister, Linda and older brother, Ross, in a loving home with her parents, who she adored. She went to community college, but didn’t set out to have a career. Her greatest desire in life was to become a wife and mother. She became both after meeting Butch, at Jumbo’s Pizza and Subs, in Roanoke, VA. Their daughter, Lauren, said they exchanged love letters while her dad was away at boot camp. “I have those letters… they are so sweet and special.” [...]
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Sheila Smith

Sheila Smith

Legendary, graceful, resilient, authentic, loving Described by her daughters as spunky, beautiful, outspoken, stylish, and the life of the party, Sheila was an extraordinary woman. She continuously catered to the needs of her family, playing a crucial role in the lives of her three girls, Shalyn, now 30, Shandal, 33 and Nysheka, 43. “She always spoke of a mother’s love being the greatest of all,” Shalyn stated. An exceptional cook, Sheila’s daughters marveled at how their mom could prepare a meal in a matter of minutes, when it took them at least an hour. They have wonderful memories of the aroma of their favorite foods filling the house. [...]
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Gary Lee Spain

Gary Lee Spain

A beautiful presence, artistic, adventurous, kind Gary’s parents, Traci, and John, remember his “shy smile” and blue eyes, as well as his inherent talent of making newcomers feel welcome and included in any situation. They recall Gary’s innate kindness–with many of his former classmates remembering how he was the first to welcome them when they were the “new kid.” This carried on into Gary’s adulthood, as he was also one of the first to welcome newcomers to treatment. [...]
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Austin (Tobie) Spiller

Austin (Tobie) Spiller

He was a perfect gift from above. I’m thankful God choose me to be his momma. Funny and goofy, Austin always wanted to make people laugh. Interested and passionate about helping his friends, and others, Austin reached out to kids who felt excluded. He wanted everyone to feel like they belonged and that someone cared about them. [...]
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Jonathan Lee Tolbert

Jonathan Lee Tolbert

Jonathan lived out loud! From the beginning, Jonathan Tolbert had no fear. With bright eyes and a big smile, he was always ready for the next adventure. He had an accident-prone childhood that led to so many trips to the hospital that his family thought his name should be over the doors. Jonathan would climb to the top of big trees and need a rescue from the fire department. He survived being kidnapped and was torn from his mother’s arms during a tornado. [...]
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Rae Ann Treadaway

Rae Ann Treadaway

Fearless, loving, non-judgmental Rae Ann was kind, funny, beautiful and a fashionista! She liked design and décor and was an excellent organizer. She could also be strong and fierce. Rae Ann loved various kinds of music and could often be seen dancing and singing. She enjoyed hearing and telling funny stories, writing her thoughts in her journal, and reading inspirational books. [...]
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Samantha Vance

Samantha Vance

Dreamer, deep thinker, pizza lover, cat lover, sister Marcie Lewis, Samantha’s sister, describes her as “beautiful, smart, funny, and a lover of animals, especially cats.” Samantha’s immediate family consisted of her sisters, Marcie, and Joanne Shell, her parents Deborah and Richard Vance, her niece Morgan Snead and nephews, Jonah Sneed, and Ethan Lewis. [...]
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Zachariah Joshua Verhoff

Zachariah Joshua Verhoff

Charismatic, loving, kind, compassionate, animal lover Zach was a compassionate, sweet-natured, funny young man. His infectious smile could break any tense moment and his laughter was contagious. He fit right in wherever he went, having easy conversations with strangers as if they were lifelong friends. Never still, Zach had to be on the go. His free spirit and openness allowed him to enjoy the most out of life. [...]
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Benjamin Werner

Benjamin Thomas Werner

Bennie Always Loved Everyone Ben Werner–with the help of his little sister, Jacy–orchestrated the secret transport of a massive pig from his friend's yard to his own house. He was a prankster at heart, always finding ways to bring joy and laughter to those around him. His playful and loving nature extended to jokes about his brother John’s alleged adoption, and the tender ritual of never leaving home without kissing his mother Jan. Jan reminisces on many instances of Ben’s generosity of spirit, noting his habit of paying for other people’s meals or going out of his way to make the day of people he did not know. She says “he never met a stranger.” [...]
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Russell Lee Wood

Russell Lee Wood

Loving, creative, talented, musical, artistic “MAKE MUSIC AND MAKE HISTORY” was Russell Lee’s mantra. From his earliest years, he embraced his artistic spirit, leaving his mark on everything from paper to clothing. When he was two years old, his family would call to Russell Lee, “Dancing feet! Dancing feet!” and he would eagerly perform his moves for his captive audience. Music was Russell Lee’s passion. He not only played the piano but also created musical beats, dreaming of one day owning his own studio. He had a contagious enthusiasm for music, dance, and art, interacting with the world with an innate urge to create. [...]
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Nicholas Alexander Zirlott

Nicholas Alexander Zirlott

Charismatic, mannerful, polite, caring, loving With the heart of someone three times his size, Nic never let his diminutive stature stop him from standing up for others and his own beliefs. He admired servicemen of all backgrounds and jumped at any chance of joining them. At age fourteen, he volunteered as a local junior firefighter, riding along on calls and learning valuable skills. His passion and dedication earned him higher scores on competency tests than some of the adult volunteers. [...]
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